ROCKMAN (MEGA MAN) 2 WEAPON DATA LOCATIONS WRITTEN BY: DragonMage98 VERSION HISTORY: (1.9) 2022-09-26 * Possibly found the ROM map location of Flash Man and the final boss absorbing damage from Time Stopper! * Updated some commentary * Updated To-Do List * Removed 2nd Update section as I didn't bother putting anything in it. So no use keeping it there (1.8) 2022-09-25 * Found ROM map location of Wily Machine 2 blocking certain weapons during it's phases! * Additional commentary (1.7) 2022-04-26 * Added another Update section * Updated some commentary * Updated To-Do List (1.6) 2021-11-10 * Added some notes for Time Stopper Damage (1.5) 2021-10-24 * Found weapon damage for Time Stopper! (1.4) 2021-05-23 * Added an Update section * Adressing more bugs (1.3) 2021-05-22 * Added additional info and commentary * Added a new section for Weapon Mechanics * Added a Special Thanks section (should've done that in the first place) * Fixed some typos and made some corrections * Addressed some bugs regarding some of the game's code (1.2) 2016-11-03 * Fixed a typo (1.1) 2016-09-22 * Started writing this guide, including the Weapon Damage & Weapon Energy locations (1.0) 2016-09-13 * The weapon palette section was going to be separate, but I'd thought of including it in here since this document involved weapons Intro: Hello everyone, I'm DragonMage98. Today, I'm going to teach you on how to edit the weapon data locations (such as damage, colour palettes, etc.) in ROCKMAN 2. Before we get started, there are a few things you'll need: * FCEUX (An NES Emulator with debugging features) * RockMan 2 Rom (must be Japanese) * HexEdit 4.0 (a Hex editor) Once you have these, we'll begin on where to edit the data locations. Update: Man, it's been awhile since I touched this, eh? Anyway, I wanted to include some more stuff into this document for those who are still interesting in doing a ROM hack of Mega Man/Rockman 2. This latest version includes a lot more information regarding the various weapons. I was already proud of my findings when I first shared this document publicly. I've also addressed some interesting bugs that I discovered along the way. Hopefully this new info can be just as useful! To-Do List: * Find ROM map location of Atomic Fire charge level 2 damage multiplier (see Weapon Damage's NOTES for more details) * Find ROM map location of Boobeam Trap blocking certain weapons other than Clash Bomber Weapon Damage: (2C049 to 2C056, 2C099 to 2C09A, and 2E933 to 2E9A2) NOTES: DO NOT ADD OR REMOVE BYTES! Doing so will cause your game to freeze upon loading the ROM. Otherwise, just change the bytes. Each weapon consists of 14 bytes for each weapon against a boss. Take for example, Air Shooter against Quick Man (2 E953) will deal 2 damage (02.) The 14 bytes from left to right mean this: 1st byte to 8th byte (Heat Man, Air Man, Wood Man, Bubble Man, Quick Man, Flash Man, Metal Man, and Clash Man) 9th byte to 14th byte (Dr. Wily Bosses in stage order from Mecha Dragon to the final boss) 2C03B to 2C048: Related to Time Stopper Damage? (See Weapon Mechanics section for commentary) 2C049 to 2C056: Time Stopper Damage 2C099 to 2C09A: Flash Man & Final Boss Absorbing Time Stopper? (See NOTES for more details) 2E933 to 2E940: Mega Buster/Atomic Fire Charge Level 1 Damage 2E941 to 2E94E: Atomic Fire Charge Level 3 Damage 2E94F to 2E95C: Air Shooter Damage 2E95D to 2E96A: Leaf Shield Damage 2E96B to 2E978: Bubble Lead Damage 2E979 to 2E986: Quick Boomerang Damage 2E987 to 2E994: Clash Bomber Damage 2E995 to 2E9A2: Metal Blade Damage Damage In Hex Values: 00 = No damage dealt; bounces off when hit 01 to 79 = Deals damage from 1 to 121 7A to 7F = Unknown? 80 to FF = Fully restores health (Actually sets health to 28) NOTES: * For Atomic Fire Charge Level 2 Damage, it uses the same bytes from 2 E933 to 2 E940 except mulitplied by 3 (multiplier location in ROM map unknown) * Since bosses' health are no higher than 28, any hex values from 1D to 79 are uneccesary to use. * FF is only used whenever a boss could absorb damage from a certain weapon. The hex values 80 to FF all do the exact same thing, so it was probably used for the sake of convenience and easier to understand. * When there are two or more bosses weak to Time Stopper, the boss with the highest damage will apply to all bosses, rather than just one. For example, if 2C04D (Time Stopper vs. Quick Man) is 02 and 2C04A (Time Stopper vs. Air Man) is 01, all bosses that can be damaged by Time Stopper will be dealt 2 damage per 2 weapon energy. (Possibly a bug? Although, this seems to suggest that Time Stopper was intended to be used only on one boss. Or if it did deal damage on multiple bosses, it always dealt the exact same amount of damage) * Flash Man and the final boss are the only bosses that actually get healed from Time Stopper. Instead of 2C04E (Flash Man) and 2C056 (final boss) using FF (see "Damage In Hex Values" above for more details), they both use 00 oddly enough. For some inexplicable reason, Flash Man and the final boss being healed from Time Stopper share the exact same byte together in 2C09A. It's default value is 06, but changing the value to anything else doesn't cause Time Stopper to heal Flash Man and the final boss. This seems to suggest that setting 2C09A to 06 will override any value in 2C04E and 2C056. I'd still be cautious changing the value in 2C09A to anything other than 06, as further testing needs to be done. Wily Machine 2 Blocking Damage from certain Weapons: (2DA2D to 2DA2E, 2DA31 to 2DA32, and 2DA39 to 2DA3A) The Wily Machine boss in this games will block damage from certain weapons depending on which phase it's in. In phase 1, Wily Machine 2 will block all damage from Air Shooter and Quick Boomerang. However, in phase 2, you'll be able to damage the Wily Machine with Air Shooter and Quick Boomerang, but it will now block all damage from Atomic Fire. How this works is that it'll check for the weapon's ID. For example, Hex Value 00 is the Mega Buster's Weapon ID. Hex Value 02 is Air Shooter's Weapon ID. If Weapon 1's ID is 02 (2DA2E), block all damage from Air Shooter (2E95B). Wily Machine 2 Phase 1: 2DA2D: Block Damage From Weapon 1 2DA2E: Weapon 1's ID (Default is 02) 2DA31: Block Damage From Weapon 2 2DA32: Weapon 2's ID (Default is 05) Wily Machine 2 Phase 2: 2DA39: Block Damage From Weapon 3 2DA3A: Weapon 3's ID (Default is 01) Weapon ID In Hex Values: 00 = Mega Buster 01 = Atomic Fire 02 = Air Shooter 03 = Leaf Shield 04 = Bubble Lead 05 = Quick Boomerang 06 = Time Stopper 07 = Metal Blade 08 = Clash Bomber Weapon Colour Palettes: (3D30F to 3D33E) Each colour palette starts with 2 "OF" bytes. The first one (displayed as 00 in FCEUX) should be left alone because of transparency, whereas the second represents Rock Man's outline. The following bytes are Rock Man's colour palettes for the selected weapon (for example, 30 10 represents the colour palette for Air Shooter.) Keep in mind that this only affects the colour palettes in a level instead of having both the weapon get screen and in a level affected, oddly enough. * Rock Man's Standard Palette (Mega Man) 3D310: Outline (0F) 3D311: Arms/Legs (2C) 3D312: Head/Hands/Feet (11) * Atomic Fire (Heat Man's Weapon) NOTES: There are two locations for Atomic Fire's weapon palette: one while charging and the other for uncharged. Uncharged: 3D314: Outline (0F) 3D315: Arms/Legs (28) 3D316: Head/Hands/Feet (15) Charging: (3DE46 to 3DE4D) 3DE46 to 3DE47: Palette for in between flashes of Atomic Fire's charge state. (0F = Outline, 15 = Head/Hands/Feet) 3DE48 to 3DE49: Palette for Atomic Fire's first charge level (31 = Outline, 15 = Head/Hands/Feet) 3DE4A to 3DE4B: Palette for Atomic Fire's second charge level (35 = Outline, 2C = Head/Hands/Feet) 3DE4C to 3DE4D: Palette for Atomic Fire's third charge level (30 = Outline, 30 = Head/Hands/Feet) * Air Shooter (Air Man's Weapon) 3D318: Outline (0F) 3D319: Arms/Legs (30) 3D31A: Head/Hands/Feet (11) * Leaf Shield (Wood Man's Weapon) 3D31C: Outline (0F) 3D31D: Arms/Legs (30) 3D31E: Head/Hands/Feet (19) * Bubble Lead (Bubble Man's Weapon) 3D320: Outline (0F) 3D321: Arms/Legs (30) 3D322: Head/Hands/Feet (00) * Quick Boomerang (Quick Man's Weapon) 3D324: Outline (0F) 3D325: Arms/Legs (34) 3D326: Head/Hands/Feet (25) * Time Stopper (Flash Man's Weapon) 3D328: Outline (0F) 3D329: Arms/Legs (34) 3D32A: Head/Hands/Feet (14) * Metal Blade (Metal Man's Weapon) 3D32C: Outline (0F) 3D32D: Arms/Legs (37) 3D32E: Head/Hands/Feet (18) * Clash Bomber (Clash Man's Weapon) 3D330: Outline (0F) 3D331: Arms/Legs (30) 3D332: Head/Hands/Feet (26) * Item 1 3D334: Outline (0F) 3D335: Arms/Legs (30) 3D336: Head/Hands/Feet (16) * Item 2 3D338: Outline (0F) 3D339: Arms/Legs (30) 3D33A: Head/Hands/Feet (16) * Item 3 3D33C: Outline (0F) 3D33D: Arms/Legs (30) 3D33E: Head/Hands/Feet (16) Weapon Energy: NOTE: Each weapon consumes energy in different ways. For example, Clash Bomber depleats 4 Energy bars when shooting a Clash Bomber (E9,) whereas Quick Boomerang and Metal Blade depleat Energy based on how many times they have been fired (C9.) As for Atomic Fire, neither C9 nor E9 are used, since it's based on the charge level. Items 2 and 3 use a different value, which is A9. A9 consumes weapon energy as the platform starts moving, but will stop depleating weapon energy if they either go off screen or colide into a wall. 3D49A: Duration until Time Stopper starts to consume energy (0F) NOTES: * The lower the value, the sooner it will start decreasing energy. * The higher the value, it will decrease energy later on. 3DAEA: How Energy is comsumed for Air Shooter (E9) 3DAEB: Air Shooter Energy Consumption (02) 3DB39: How Energy is consumed for Bubble Lead (C9) 3DB3A: Bubble Lead shots before 1 Energy Consumption (02) 3DB74: How Energy is consumed for Quick Boomerang (C9) 3DB75: Quick Boomerang shots before 1 Energy Consumption (08) 3DB95: How Energy is consumed for Clash Bomber (E9) 3DB96: Clash Bomber Energy Consumption (04) 3DBCE: How Energy is consumed for Metal Blade (C9) 3DBCF: Metal Blades thrown before 1 Energy Consumption (04) 3DC81: How Energy is consumed for Item 1 (E9) 3DC82: Item 1 Energy Consumption (02) 3DE52: Atomic Fire Charge Level 1 Energy Comsumption (01) 3DE53: Atomic Fire Charge Level 2 Energy Consumption (06) 3DE54: Atomic Fire Charge Level 3 Energy Consumption (0A) 3DF6E: How Energy is consumed for Leaf Shield (E9) 3DF6F: Leaf Shield Energy Consumption (03) 3E22C: How Energy is consumed for Item 2 (A9) 3E22D: Duration until Item 2 Energy is consumed (13) 3E348: How Energy is consumed for Item 3 (A9) 3E349: Duration until Item 3 Energy is consumed (1F) NOTE REGARDING A9: The A9 value seems to only work correctly with Items 2 and 3. However, if it's applied to one of the weapons, it will cause the currently equipped weapon's energy to set at whatever value it's energy consumption is when fired. For example, if you go change E9 to A9 in 3DAEA (how energy is consumed for Air Shooter) it will set the current weapon energy to 2. It's worth noting that if you fire again it's weapon energy is actually infinite, interesting enough. NOTE REGARDING C9: There is an infamous bug where you can have infinite weapon energy for Bubble Lead, Quick Boomerang and Metal Blade by abusing a loophole in the game's code. This small section will explain what the bug is, for those who aren't familiar with it. As mentioned earlier, C9 will consume 1 weapon energy after a certain number of times a weapon is fired. For example, 4 Metal Blades need to be thrown before 1 weapon energy is consumed. However, if you throw 3 or less Metal Blades, go to the weapon select screen, then exit, the counter will reset back to 0. This bug can be abused to the point where you can have an infinite amount of weapon energy if C9 is present in said weapon's routine. My guess was that it's due to a programming oversight. Probably to avoid the counter carrying over to the other weapons that had the C9 value as it's weapon consumption type. Weapon Mechanics: This is a more advanced section for those interested in how the various mechanics work for each weapon. It's basically a bunch of miscellaneous stuff that doesn't fit in the above. It's not 100% complete, but commentary will be provided when necessary * Mega Buster 3DA79 to 3DAA9: Routine for Mega Buster 3D4A4: Velocity of shots (04) NOTE: Hex values 0C to FF won't be able to hit anything 3DA80: Maximum number of shots on screen (04) NOTES: * Hex values 00 to 01, and 10 to FF won't work. * While the default value is 04, it's actually 3 shots in game. For example, 02 = 1 shot, 03 = 2 shots, 05 = 4 shots, etc. * Atomic Fire 3DAB3: Maximum number of shots on screen (02) NOTES: * If the value is 00, it will set your health to 0, but you won't die until you're hit. No weapon energy will be consumed either. You'll still be able to obtain life energy like you normally would. (This is a really bizarre bug. Luckily you'll never encounter this bug in normal gameplay.) * If the value is 01, a shot from Atomic Fire will appear in the same spot it's fired. No weapon energy will be consumed either. (This is another bug. It's kinda cool to see the charge shot grow, but it unfortunately doesn't damage any enemies.) * If the value is 03 or greater, you'll keep firing shots until weapon energy runs out. However, only one shot can be on screen at once. You'll still be able to charge normally, interesting enough. (Yet, another bug.) 3DD5E: Charging duration from first to second level (7D) 3DD64: Total charging duration from first to third level (BB) NOTE: If the hex value in 3DD64 is lower than 3DD5E, the second charge level will be skipped. (Unknown if this is a bug) * Air Shooter 3DAC0 to 3DAF2: Routine for Air Shooter 3DAD3: Number of Air Shooters to appear when fired (04) NOTES: * If the value is 00, you'll instantly die and be sent to the next checkpoint in the level. If you fire again, you'll die again. However, you'll be softlocked and can still fire Air Shooter. (Another bizzare bug.) * If the value is 05 or greater, no extra Air Shooters will appear. (Might be a bug) * Bubble Lead 3DB1E: Maximum number of Bubble Lead on screen (03) NOTES: * If the hex value is 00, no Bubble Lead will appear, but it will kind of mess up the music a bit if you shoot. (This is an undocumented bug. You'll never experience this bug in normal gameplay.) * Higher values will let you fire more Bubble Lead correctly. but may cause the game to lag. * If the value is too high, you can actually end up killing yourself. The effects are somewhat similar to the Air Shooter bug. (Another bizzare bug.) * Quick Boomerang 3DB48 to 3DB86: Routine for Quick Boomerang 3DB51: Velocity of Quick Boomerang (0B) 3DB59: Maximum number of Quick Boomerangs on screen (05) NOTES: * If the hex value is 00, no Quick Boomerangs will appear, but it will kind of mess up the music a bit if you shoot. (This is an undocumented bug. You'll never experience this bug in normal gameplay.) * If the value is too high, you'll be able to spawn a glitched Neo Metall that fires and flys up into the air. (Another strange bug. I honestly don't know how to describe this one.) * Time Stopper 2C03B to 2C048: Releated to Time Stopper Damage? NOTE: Apparently these bytes are also read at the same time as the ones from 2C049 to 2C056. For example, if using Time Stopper against Quick Man, it will read both 2C03F and 2C04D from the ROM map. If using Time Stopper against Heat Man, it will read both 2C03B and 2C049 from the ROM map. All the values from 2C03B to 2C048 are set to 0F, except for 2C03F, which is 1E. I can't seem to figure out what the purpose of these bytes are. They're definitely used in game, but their purpose isn't 100% clear. Edit this section at your own risk. 3DC3E to 3DC59: Routine for Time Stopper 3E165 to 3E19C: Routine for Time Stopper mechanics * Metal Blade 3DBB3: Maximum number of Metal Blades on screen (04) NOTES: * If the hex value is 00, no Metal Blades will appear, but it will kind of mess up the music a bit if you throw. (This is an undocumented bug. You'll never experience this bug in normal gameplay.) * Higher values will let you throw more Metal Blades correctly. but may cause the game to lag. * If the value is too high, it will cause a Matasaburo to spawn in the position you threw a Metal Blade. However, it cannot be defeated. (Yet another bizarre bug. You'll never encounter this in normal gameplay.) 3DC5A to 3DC64: Routine for Metal Blade * Clash Bomber 3DB9C: Maximum number of Clash Bomber on screen (02) NOTE: If the value is 03 or greater, you'll be able to respawn Clash Bomber if you fire again. However, only one Clash Bomber can be present on screen at a time. (Might be a bug?) 3E099: Fuse time until Clash Bomber detonates on a surface (7E) NOTE: If Clash Bomber hits an enemy, it will instantly detonate, but it won't cause an explosion (Unknown if this is a bug) * Item 1 3DC6C: Maximum number of Item 1 on screen (04) NOTE: If the value is 05 or greater, the extra platforms will appear correctly, but you won't be able to stand on them. You'll only be able to stand on the last three platforms. For example, if the value is 06 you won't be able to stand on the first two, but you'll be able two on the last 3 platforms. (This is an undocumented bug as far as I know. You'll never be able to have more than three Item 1 platforms on screen in normal gameplay anyway.) * Item 2 3DC96: Maximum number of Item 2 on screen (02) NOTE: If the value is 03 or higher, you'll be able to respawn Item 2 if you fire again, but it will instantly start moving. However, only one Item 2 can be on screen at a time. * Item 3 3DCB6: Maximum number of Item 3 on screen (02) NOTE: If the value is 03 or higher, you'll be able to respawn Item 3 if you fire again. However, only one Item 3 can be on screen at a time. SPECIAL THANKS: * omega_rugal for inspiring me to find the weapon damge locations. Sorry I forgot to credit you when I first wrote this document, but now I have. Thanks a ton! (Original thread post can be found here: * Overseer190 for contributing some info to Mega Man 2's Data Crystal ROM map page * duckfist for making the Mega Man 2 Randomizer. It's source code provides a ton of other information regarding Mega Man 2's code as well if you're interested in checking it out (Link to it's GitHub page: * StalkerMaestro for additional help * All the various members within the ROM hacking community that contributed to Mega Man 2's Data Crystal ROM map page CONTACT: Anything missing or incorrect? Contact me at: Make sure the Subject is "Missing/Wrong Info On Your Guide" (no quotations!)